A baseball player swinging at a ball with an image of the clock in the background.

About Brain Timing

To be the BEST, an athlete has the opportunity to train their body and, now, their BRAIN.

Like any muscle in the body that needs to be finely tuned for peak performance, the human brain can also be trained by increasing, regenerating and strengthening the neural pathways in the brain. Strengthening and training the neural pathways using Brain Timing Training can increase an athlete's rhythm, timing, coordination, concentration, focus, balance, decision-making, cognitive processing speed, motor planning and sequencing.

We now know that there are neurological “keys” that exist that can help you unlock your brain’s full potential.

This training is dedicated to helping athletes discover the neurological “keys” to unlocking their full potential and understanding your brain better...so you can upgrade your mental and motor skills, transform your performance, and achieve your biggest goals faster and easier than ever before.

Research shows that combining whole-body movements with cognitive tasks leads to overall better outcomes. Brain Timing Training (Interactive Metronome®) is a patented and unique training tool that challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s “internal clock.”

For more information or to schedule a free consultation please call us at (708) 567-6301.

Brain Timing

Learn The Secret Professionals Use To Get To The Top Of Their Game

A baseball player is swinging at the ball.

Neurosportzone Brain Timing Training


  • Execution
  • Reduction of Errors
  • Timing (Tempo & Rhythm)
  • Mental Sharpness
  • Consistency
  • Processing Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Performance
A young boy sliding into home base during a baseball game.
A white background with a black and white logo

Who is Currently Using This Training?

Training has been used by members of the following MLB, Major College Sports Programs, PGA, NBA, NFL, US Clay Target Academy (USCTA) and NHL teams.

There are others that use it but do not disclose their use of it as it gives them an advantage and they don’t want to share their trade secrets for training and peak performance!!

Timing in Sports is Everything

What is Brain Timing Training?

  • Brain Timing Training is a patented noninvasive training tool that improves synchronization in the brain resulting in a greater neural effect.
  • It is an assessment and training tool that is evidence-based, objective, flexible, and engaging.
  • Brain Timing is the most powerful form of brain training available.
  • Brain Timing is a completely different form of brain training because it involves both motor and sensory integration (only piece of equipment that does both).
  • It achieves a level of brain plasticity in a much deeper more powerful way than any other brain training device.
  • Brain Timing Training can be compared to physical fitness training such as muscle strength, flexibility and cardiovascular exercises, except it’s focused on brain fitness.
  • It’s like taking athletes who only have skills and strategy training, and getting them super fit so they can execute what they have learned at a higher level, faster and more consistently.
  • Brain Timing is a real physical tool that you use. There is no skill to learn--no learning curve.
  • You just train and get the results much like using gym equipment to get fit and strong. Except what you get is real brain fitness and an increase in neural pathways!

We can train your brain to fire at a superior level. It’s Natural and Effective.

A group of clocks that are sitting on top of each other.
A baseball player swinging a bat in the air.
A white background with a black and white logo

Who is This Program for?

NeuroSportZone Brain Timing Training program is for athletes who are striving for excellence in their sport. Bringing their brain clock to a superior level to optimize athletic performance.

NeuroSportsZone…dedicated to an athletes’ long-term understanding of how best to perform to their potential. Skills such as rhythm, timing, tempo which can not be taught by any mechanical drill.

Timing is what coordinates all of the cells to work together as one unit and gives the human brain all of its tremendous powers and ability.

TIMING skills are the same as physical skills in that they can be taught, learned and practiced. Performance can be radically improved by employing Brain Timing skills training.

We offer a uniquely individualized approach to achieving elite excellence: Timing for Peak Performance in SPORTS.

New Bioscience to Improve High Level of Performance

How Does It Work?

Neurosportzone training challenges thinking and movement simultaneously, providing real-time millisecond feedback to help synchronize the body’s “internal clock.” By allowing for more efficient communication between the brain's functional networks.

Neurosportzone training allows your brain to send signals to your muscles faster. It helps your brain process stimuli (a pitched ball) at a faster rate. By facilitating the transmission of information among the brain's various thought centers, it also helps users make decisions faster. Developing and strengthening the critical timing and rhythm in the brain's functional networks helps to improve neural efficiency and communication.

Athletes are instructed to synchronize various hand and foot exercises to a reference tone heard through headphones. The athlete attempts to match hand clapping while wearing a glove with palm trigger. A patented audio or audio and visual guidance system provides immediate feedback. The difference between the patient’s performance and the computer generated beat is measured in milliseconds. The score provided indicates timing accuracy. A low millisecond (ms) score indicates improved timing and overall performance.

Using the analogy of a musical instrument, every musician knows that if their instrument is out of tune, then no matter how brilliant a musician they are, their music will sound bad.

Our brains are the same, if they are out of tune then every aspect of your experiences and abilities are compromised…you’re just not operating at your best.

Neuroscience research has discovered many patterns of brain timing associated with peak performance and poor timing correlated with specific issues like ADHD, learning disorders, lack of focus and attention, and anxiety.

A baseball player swinging at the ball during a game.

Vital for Athletes

How Does NeuroSportZone Training Benefit Athletes?

A poster with a picture of a person 's face and some words.

All Skills Vital to Achieve Elite Performance at the Plate

A diagram of the flow chart for an electronic device.
A black and white image of an empty brick.

The Science What Does It Do?

  • Improved Brain Clock & Temporal Processing
  • Improved Brain Network and Communication & Synchronization
  • Improves the Brain’s Efficiency & Performance
A picture of neurons in the brain.

Brain Timing FAQ

Decreasing millisecond timing as low as possible improves accuracy in your sport and consistency in sports performance. Performing high repetitions of IM over the course of training induces automaticity. This improves seamless & consistent execution in sports.

Sports timing training is designed and implemented to improve an athlete’s existing performance. It does not, in any way, affect your regular performance. Therefore, this test can easily be undertaken during your regular sports practice.

Although sessions can be taken anytime, we recommend that athletes take this test during their off-season. For the first 5–6 sessions, it is advisable not to participate in any other games. For the next sessions, athletes can practice their regular sports & participate in games while taking the timing tests.

Ideally speaking, if your sport has one-week break in between matches, you can use that time for your sport timing training. Try completing the first six sessions during the break. Make sure that you do not have any matches on the days you have scheduled for the sessions.

The March/April 2001 issue of the American Journal of Occupational Therapy identified five core areas of statistically significant improvements gained through the IM program: attention and focus, motor control/coordination, language processing, reading and math fluency, and ability to regulate aggression/impulsivity. Other studies have shown significant correlations between Interactive Metronome and academic achievement in mathematics, language, reading, and attention to task. The IM program has also proven to be a powerful tool for improving both the physical and mental aspects of athletic performance. To view these clinical studies please visit www.interactivemetronome.com

For more information or to schedule a free consultation please call us at (708) 567-6301.

Neurosportzone utilizes the Interactive Metronome (IM) for is it training of athletes.

When an athlete first learns an action, skill acquisition is a labored, conscious effort that requires use of most if not all of his cognitive resources. He has to think of every small detail. With frequent practice, the behavior becomes more automatic and unconscious. (Vallacher and Wegner 1987). Once automaticity is achieved, minimal attentional resources must then be devoted to the task, resulting in faster processing and more efficient performance.

“The precise, real-time IM millisecond feedback impacts the temporal processing resolution of the internal brain clock, which in turn improves neural efficiency—and thus, more efficient temporal and information processing in the brain.” “IM’s effect on cognitive & motor skills [and ability to achieve automaticity that generalizes to sports performance] appears to be the result of increased efficiency and synchronization of communication between the primary brain structures that comprise the functional brain networks involved in performing both the cognitive and motor demands of IM training.” (McGrew, 2013)

Execution of purposeful motor activity requires timing and coordination (Ivry, 1996; Mauk & Ruiz, 1992; Medina et al., 2005; Meegan et al., 2000) Timing is defined as the generation of intrinsically timed motor actions involving complex spatiotemporal patterns of muscle activation [including the coordination between individual body/limb segments in complex, multi-joint activities like that involved in shooting sports.] (Buonomano & Laje, 2010)

Auditory-motor entrainment [Interactive Metronome®] may improve fundamental, spontaneous control of motor timing for sports performance in the absence of sport-specific training. (Sommer & Rönnqvist, 2009)

Sommer, M & Rönnqvist, L (2009). Improved motor-timing: effects of synchronized metronome training on golf shot accuracy. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 8, 648-656.

Improved Motor-Timing: Effects Of Synchronized Metronome Training On Golf Shot Accuracy

  • IM® Training significantly impacted motor timing & synchronization.
  • After 4 weeks of IM® Training, golf shot accuracy increased significantly and variability of performance decreased significantly.
  • Findings suggest that peak golf performance requires “precise, timed, and synchronized sensory motor control.” (Sommer & Rönnqvist, 2009, pg. 655)

Sommer, M., Häger, C.& Rönnqvist, L. (2014). Synchronized metronome training induces changes in the kinematic properties of the golf swing. Sports Biomechanics, Published online: 07 Feb 2014.

Synchronized Metronome Training Induces Changes In The Kinematic Properties of the Golf Swing

  • 4 weeks of IM® Training resulted in improved motor timing that transferred to an unrelated motor task, that of movement sequencing involved in golf swing performance and golf shot accuracy.
  • Research has shown that an auditory rhythmic cue may influence the dynamics of movement over an entire movement cycle by improving temporal precision, reducing variability, and encouraging the selection of optimal movement trajectories, velocity, and acceleration parameters (Thaut & Kenyon, 2003).
  • Through neuroplasticity, IM® Training produced more tightly coupled joint dynamics during the golf swing that were then completely reinforced and amalgamated in motor memory.
  • Since IM® Training improves temporal processing and motor execution by “fine-tuning the timing components (and coordination dynamics) of multi-joint movements,” it can be assumed that it may also increase peak performance in other sports that require precise timing & rhythm.

Libkuman, TM, Otani, H, & Steger, N (2002). Training in timing improves accuracy in golf. Journal of General Psychology, 129(1), 77-96.

Training In Timing Improves Accuracy In Golf

  • IM® group demonstrated 20% overall gain in golf shot accuracy.
  • Advanced golfers in the IM® group who already demonstrated consistent swing mechanics demonstrated even larger gains in golf shot accuracy (35% increase).

Sommer, M. (2014). Effect of timing training in golf and soccer players: skill, movement organisation, and brain activity. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.

Effect Of Timing Training In Golf and Soccer Players: Skill, Movement Organization, and Brain Activity

  • Significant decrease in brain activity patterns for bilateral cerebellum, superior temporal gyrus and fusiform gyrus from pre- to post-test.
  • The better the performance on IM®, the less activation seen on fMRI.
  • Suggests more efficient pattern of neural recruitment as a result of IM® Training, less conscious monitoring of performance, and greater automaticity.
  • This study suggests that high performing athletes may be able to further fine-tune performance by means of streamlining the temporal mechanisms underpinning motor coordination and control. Indeed, it has been shown in this study (in addition to the former studies on golf) that successful/optimal performance of motor skills require a precise coordination and control of numerous muscles and sensors guided by the underlying timing centres in the brain, and that the brain neural activity supporting such performance can be fine-tuned and enhanced through (non-task specific) training, in this case [IM Training].”

For more information or to schedule a free consultation please call us at (708) 567-6301.

A white icon of an arrow in front of a target.

Performance Goals

  • Improve focus and fine motor skills coordination.
  • Improve sustained attention cognitive effort.
  • Work on specific skills related to athletic goals along with Neurosportzone for example specific cognitive and motor skills related sports performance.
A woman swinging at a golf ball on the course.

Sports Brain Training

Adopt a sports brain training regimen in Willowbrook, IL, by working with Dr. Demetrios Patos of Neurosportzone.

What’s your main motivation as an athlete? Many people who get into athletics do so to get in better shape. Extraordinarily gifted people may also dream of going pro and making millions.

You will also find athletes who draw motivation from competition. They want to be the best at whatever they do and will stop at nothing to accomplish that goal. If you are driven by that same motivation, you should look into sports brain training.

Sports brain training can yield numerous helpful benefits. Included in those benefits are ones that positively affect your neural pathways. Strengthening your neural pathways is critical because it improves the connection between your mind and physical capabilities.

Your hand-eye coordination will significantly improve after sports brain training. Whether you're trying to hit a baseball or catch a football, improving hand-eye coordination will be immensely beneficial.

Going through sports brain training will also enhance your processing speed. Increased processing speed allows you to make better decisions in the heat of the moment. You’ll be able to make the right play consistently after prolonged training.

The benefits of sports brain training are not limited to enhancing your physical capabilities. It also yields mental benefits that can help you achieve a higher athletic performance. Rigorous mental training can help you stay calm and focused even during the most heated moments of a game. You can also build the confidence you need to take on those moments by training consistently.

Make sure you get all the benefits from sports brain training in Willowbrook, IL, by scheduling sessions with Dr. Patos of Neurosportzone.

Various exercises are involved in sports brain training, and they are all designed to yield remarkable benefits.

Expect to go through plenty of hand and foot timing exercises during your training sessions. Aside from improving your coordination and balance, the aforementioned exercises can also speed up your processing ability. The trainer can measure your progress based on how quickly you react to audio and visual cues.

Your training sessions will also include mental exercises. Exercises you’ll participate in include goal setting, confidence building, and emotional management. All those exercises are necessary because they help you stay even-keeled in all situations.

Tracking is also a key component of effective sports brain training. You and your trainer can accurately gauge your progress by tracking your performance across several sessions. The tracking can also highlight potential areas of improvement.

Sign up for sports brain training in Willowbrook, IL, by calling (708) 567-6301 and arranging your sessions with Dr. Patos of Neurosportzone.